Results for 'Donald G. Bovon'

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  1.  11
    The Hermeneutical Quest: Essays in Honor of James Luther Mays on His Sixty-fifth Birthday.Donald G. Miller - 1986 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    This long-standing series provides the guild of religion scholars a venue for publishing aimed primarily at colleagues. It includes scholarly monographs, revised dissertations, Festschriften, conference papers, and translations of ancient and medieval documents. Works cover the sub-disciplines of biblical studies, history of Christianity, history of religion, theology, and ethics. Festschriften for Karl Barth, Donald W. Dayton, James Luther Mays, Margaret R. Miles, and Walter Wink are among the seventy-five volumes that have been published. Contributors include: C. K. Barrett, Francois (...)
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    Why facts neither speak for themselves nor resolve the psi controversy: The view from the rational epistemology.Donald G. MacKay - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):385-386.
    Claims that representatives of both sides of the psi debate (e.g., J. E. Alcock; K. R. Rao and J. Palmer [see PA, Vol 76:10501 and 10507]) have implicitly adopted the empirical epistemology without spelling out or systematically applying the rational epistemology, an essential step for both psychology and parapsychology. ((c) 1997 APA/PsycINFO, all rights reserved).
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    The ghost in the machine is still there.Donald G. Stein - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):346-348.
  4. Fire in Thy Mouth.Donald G. Miller - 1954
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    The development of differential word recognition.Donald G. Forgays - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (3):165.
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    Perception as response.Donald G. Stein - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):77-79.
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    Conditioning of muscle action potential responses resulting from passive hand movement.Donald G. Doehring - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (4):292.
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    The Birth of a Journal.Donald G. Miller - 1996 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 50 (2):117-129.
    As we conceived of Interpretation, we had no interest in merely launching another journal; in providing another channel of literary expression; or in creating another public relations medium for the purpose of making Union Theological Seminary more widely known. No, we designed Interpretation to have a mission. Our aim was to create a medium through which the church would understand more fully its nature as the body of Christ giving expression to the will of its head.
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    God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition (review).Donald G. Marshall - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):428-429.
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    On Rejoicing in God: A Sermon on Habakkuk 3:17–19.Donald G. Miller - 1948 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 2 (2):172-179.
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    Eudaimonia, Economics and the Environment: What do the Hellenistic Thinkers Have to Teach Economists about 'The Good Life'?Donald G. Richards - 2013 - Ethics and the Environment 18 (2):33-53.
    The concept of “the good life” is not one that receives much attention from conventional economic theory.1 About the closest it comes to such attention is in the area of welfare economics and here it is mostly concerned with the distribution of costs and benefits of various economic choices and wherein benefits are measured in terms of utility and costs in terms of disutility or utility foregone. It is usually taken for granted that utility is a function of consumption of (...)
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    The Return of the Repressed.Donald G. Marshall - 2002 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 36 (3):25.
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    Truth or Consequences.Donald G. Marshall - 1980 - Diacritics 10 (4):75.
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  14. Conqueror in Chains: A Story of the Apostle Paul.Donald G. Miller - 1951
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  15. Christians and Jews Together: Voices from the Conversation.Donald G. Dawe & Aurelia Fule - 1991
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    Christology in Contemporary Systematic Theology.Donald G. Dawe - 1972 - Interpretation 26 (3):259-277.
    The indigenization of Christ to non-Western cultures is becoming a fact that may reshape Christology far more radically than any alternative now at work in academic circles.
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    Problems with popper: The initial goal is to develop viable theories, not disconfirm them.Donald G. MacKay - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (3):231-240.
    The Popperian epistemology underlying Levelt's commentary and other aspects of contemporary psychology has limited application and, in particular, does not apply to the creation or development of theory, the main goal of MacKay . This is relevant to Levelt's questions, “What has changed?” and “What is the harvest?”: From a non-Popperian perspective, both changes and harvest are greater than Levelt's commentary would suggest and carry implications for the field at large.
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  18. The Way to Biblical Preaching.Donald G. Miller - 1957
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    Seeking consistency with paired comparisons: a systems approach.Donald G. Saari - 2021 - Theory and Decision 91 (3):377-402.
    It is well known that decision methods based on pairwise rankings can suffer from a wide range of difficulties. These problems are addressed here by treating the methods as systems, where each pair is looked upon as a subsystem with an assigned task. In this manner, the source of several difficulties is equated with the standard concern that the “whole need not be the sum of its parts.” These problems arise because the objectives assigned to subsystems need not be compatible (...)
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  20. Holy Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration, and Interpretation.Donald G. Bloesch - 1994
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  21. Philosophers on Rhetoric: Traditional and Emerging Views.Donald G. Douglas - 1973 - Skokie, Ill., National Textbook Co..
    Johnstone, H. W., Jr. Rhetoric and communication in philosophy.--Smith, C. R. and Douglas, D. G. Philosophical principles in the traditional and emerging views of rhetoric.--Wallace, K. R. Bacon's conception of rhetoric.--Thonssen, L. W. Thomas Hobbes's philosophy of speech.--Walter, O. M., Jr. Descartes on reasoning.--Douglas, D. G. Spinoza and the methodology of reflective knowledge in persuasion.--Howell, W. S. John Locke and the new rhetoric.--Doering, J. F. David Hume on oratory.--Douglas, D. G. A neo-Kantian approach to the epistomology of judgment in criticism.--Bevilacqua, (...)
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    Signal detection analysis of the effects of sequence duration on auditory matching to sample.Donald G. Doehring - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):107-108.
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    The ground of certainty.Donald G. Bloesch - 1971 - Grand Rapids,: Eerdmans.
    In this book Dr. Donald Bloesch sharply diverges from much traditional thinking on the relationship between theology and philosophy and suggests an alternative that is solidly anchored in biblical faith. Instead of seeing this relationship in terms of synthesis or correlation or even simple subordination, he calls for the conversion and transformation of philosophical meanings in the light of the biblical revelation. Philosophy can be of considerable aid to theologians, but they must take care not to let philosophical concepts (...)
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  24. The Place of Theory in Administrator Education.Donald G. Coleman & Richard E. Heun - 1977 - Journal of Thought 12 (3):203-10.
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  25. Slavery and Methodism. A Chapter in American Morality, 1780–1845.Donald G. Mathews - 1965
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  26. The Scent of Eternity: A Life of Hams Elliott Kirk of Baltimore.Donald G. Miller - 1989
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    Truth, Tradition, and Understanding.Donald G. Marshall - 1977 - Diacritics 7 (4):70.
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  28. Aesthetic experience in education.Donald G. Arnstine - 1958 - Philosophy of Education:74.
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    The Divinity of the Holy Spirit.Donald G. Dawe - 1979 - Interpretation 33 (1):19-31.
    The Holy Spirit is the actuality of God's freedom to be not only “for us” but also “in us.”.
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  30. Christian Faith in a Religiously Plural World.Donald G. Dawe & John B. Carman - 1978
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    Is Paradigm a new and general paradigm for psychological inquiry? Read my lips.Donald G. MacKay - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):770-772.
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    Something to offend everyone: Tipler's vision of immortality.Donald G. York - 1995 - Zygon 30 (3):477-478.
    Frank Tipler's The Physics of Immortality provides abundant cause for intellectual offense—including challenges to physics, to theology, and, seemingly, to common sense. Few philosophical conundrums remain unaddressed. Still, the book is stimulating and well presented.
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    The problems of flexibility, fluency, and speed–accuracy trade-off in skilled behavior.Donald G. MacKay - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (5):483-506.
  34. Decisions and Elections: Explaining the Unexpected.Donald G. Saari - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    It is not uncommon to be frustrated by the outcome of an election or a decision in voting, law, economics, engineering, and other fields. Does this 'bad' result reflect poor data or poorly informed voters? Or does the disturbing conclusion reflect the choice of the decision/election procedure? Nobel Laureate Kenneth Arrow's famed theorem has been interpreted to mean 'no decision procedure is without flaws'. Similarly, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen dashes hope for individual liberties by showing their incompatibility with societal needs. (...)
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    Sports ethics in America: a bibliography, 1970-1990.Donald G. Jones - 1992 - New York: Greenwood Press. Edited by Elaine L. Daly.
    Each entry includes a brief listing of the subjects covered in the work. The volume also includes a full subject index and an author index.
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    Teaching Business Ethics to Executives.Donald G. Jones - 1983 - Teaching Philosophy 6 (3):205-220.
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    The symmetry and complexity of elections.Donald G. Saari - 1997 - Complexity 2 (3):13-21.
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    Signal detection analysis of serial order effects in auditory matching to sample.Donald G. Doehring - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):6-8.
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    Review of Francis J. Ambrosio, Dante and Derrida: Face to Face[REVIEW]Donald G. Marshall - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (8).
    A challenge all interpreters face is finding a language in which to mediate understanding between the author they are interpreting and a contemporary audience. Erich Auerbach accomplished this by recovering and expounding the idea and practice of figura, which became the basis for path-breaking interpretations of Dante. [...]The real core of this problem is translation. It is not enough to show that Dante echoes Aquinas. The question is what either or both mean -- and mean to us. How can we (...)
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  40.  53
    Capturing the “will of the people”.Donald G. Saari - 2003 - Ethics 113 (2):333-349.
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    Some practical and theoretical issues concerning fetal brain tissue grafts as therapy for brain dysfunctions.Donald G. Stein & Marylou M. Glasier - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):36-45.
    Grafts of embryonic neural tissue into the brains of adult patients are currently being used to treat Parkinson's disease and are under serious consideration as therapy for a variety of other degenerative and traumatic disorders. This target article evaluates the use of transplants to promote recovery from brain injury and highlights the kinds of questions and problems that must be addressed before this form of therapy is routinely applied. It has been argued that neural transplantation can promote functional recovery through (...)
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    Stage Theories Refuted.Donald G. Mackay - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel, A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 671–678.
    This chapter examines the stages of processing meta‐theory (SPM) that has guided construction of theories in psychology during the past 350 years, from philosopher René Descartes in seventeenth‐century France to neuropsychologists Carl Wernicke and Paul Broca in nineteenth‐century Europe to psychologists Dominic Massaro and Alan Baddeley in late twentieth‐century America and Britain. The most basic SPM assumptions are that processing and storage of information take place within a finite number of autonomous modules or stages, and that some stages are sequentially (...)
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    New Study Explores Sterilization.Donald G. McCarthy - 1979 - Ethics and Medics 4 (12):3-3.
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    The Moral Theologian and Bioethical Issues.Donald G. McCarthy - 1980 - Ethics and Medics 5 (1):1-2.
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    A Scale of Performance Tests.Rudolf Pintner & Donald G. Paterson - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (5):134-137.
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  46. Paradoxes of Voting.Donald G. Saari - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Awareness and error detection: New theories and research paradigms.Donald G. MacKay - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (3):199-225.
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    Are fetal brain tissue grafts necessary for the treatment of brain damage?Donald G. Stein & Marylou M. Glasier - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):86-107.
    Despite some clinical promise, using fetal transplants for degenerative and traumatic brain injury remains controversial and a number of issues need further attention. This response reexamines a number of questions. Issues addressed include: temporal factors relating to neural grafting, the role of behavioral experience in graft outcome, and the relationship of rebuilding of neural circuitry to functional recovery. Also discussed are organization and type of transplanted tissue, the of transplant viability, and whether transplants are really needed to obtain functional recovery (...)
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    Paul Interpreted for India.Lois M. Rothenheber & Donald G. Dawe - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):150.
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    (2 other versions)A bibliography of business ethics, 1971-1975.Donald G. Jones - 1977 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. Edited by Daniel L. Gothie.
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